Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What I think of the Legal System

There are many laws and regulations in the legal system in the United States of America. Not only there are hundreds of large books of just federal laws to go through but there is many different one for each individual state. Some laws are reasonably understandable. Others are outrageously strange. Maybe that is why they say that studying law at a prestigious school like Harvard will most likely make you kill yourself before you can graduate. Maybe the reason is that you’re in a highly competitive field where there are many outrageous information to tackle, competing with thousands of other hopeful law students in a school that might have cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The legal system in the United States is so vast, even my business law instructor recommends us to get a lawyer when dealing with it. I use to only have a vague understanding of the law. Most of the time when TV shows that brings up a law, they would not explain in any detail on what it means. Like how certain circumstances are needed to take place for it to become a tort law. What I like to call “laws I can sue you with” laws.

It was a quite shocking to find out that there was more than 12 courts in the US. Never the less, these courts help speed up the process on getting cases done. Unlike the old days, when cases were brought to the king where he arbitrarily decide how it would end. “No one person can possibly know the entire body of law. Even learned judges and lawyers tend to specialize in certain fields.” (Essentials of Business Laws, Liuzzo, pg.3) Here is my advice to you. Get a good lawyer. Let them do the tough thinking and researching.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Myspace Hoax - EOC Week 2

Despite the tragic outcome, there were no undeniable evidence that the proved that Lori Drew started the hoax as a means of harming Megan Meier. Ashley Grills, Drew’s assistant, under immunity that Drew, testified that she was the one who send the final message that lead Megan to her suicide. She also stated that Drew was the one who came up with the idea for the hoax and knew Megan has depression and suicidal.

“Josh Evans”, a 16 year old boy, identity was born after Drew created a myspace account with intention as a prank on Megan Meier. Other sources stated that the prank was a means of finding out if Megan had been spreading rumors about Drew’s daughter, Sarah. Using the fake identity, “Josh Evans” contacted Megan and began sending flirtatious message to each other.
After two weeks of creating “Josh Evans”, Drew wanted to stop the prank, Sarah claimed.

A prank soon ended wrong when the “…the world would be better off without her” was sent by Grills to Megan which 20 mins later, ultimately caused Megan to hang herself. Drew’s lawyer, Dean Steward stated that Drew did not encourage or participate in the hoax and was not aware mean messages were being sent to Megan, quoted from an interview by ABC News.

Even though there was an absence of malice but she could charged for negligence for starting the hoax of creating, a handsome 16 year old boy, “Josh Evans” identity on and did not end it herself even when she later protest the prank. That only could possibly leave her openly for negligence for not taking responsibility for her actions. She definitely got away with a slap on the rest because from my perspective, she is indirectly leading to harmful results. Then again a little fun won’t kill anyone right?